path: root/src/frontend/tau
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/tau')
3 files changed, 43 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/events.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/events.cljs
index 12404dc..dace6f5 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/events.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/events.cljs
@@ -309,11 +309,12 @@
{:nextPage (js/encodeURIComponent next-page-url)})
:db (assoc db :show-pagination-loading true)))))
- (fn [db [_ res]]
- (assoc db :stream (js->clj res :keywordize-keys true)
- :show-page-loading false)))
+ (fn [{:keys [db]} [_ res]]
+ {:db (assoc db :stream (js->clj res :keywordize-keys true)
+ :show-page-loading false)
+ :fx [[:dispatch [::change-stream-format nil]]]}))
@@ -324,6 +325,16 @@
:db (assoc db :show-page-loading true))))
+ ::change-stream-format
+ (fn [{:keys [stream] :as db} [_ format-id]]
+ (let [{:keys [audio-streams video-streams]} stream]
+ (if format-id
+ (assoc db :stream-format
+ (first (filter #(= format-id (:id %)) (apply conj audio-streams video-streams))))
+ (assoc db :stream-format (-> (if (empty? video-streams) audio-streams video-streams)
+ last))))))
(fn [db [_ res]]
(assoc db :channel (js->clj res :keywordize-keys true)
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/subs.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/subs.cljs
index 047e93c..41bbb67 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/subs.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/subs.cljs
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@
(:stream db)))
+ :stream-format
+ (fn [db _]
+ (:stream-format db)))
(fn [db _]
(:playlist db)))
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/views/stream.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/views/stream.cljs
index 312d670..78a1b1e 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/views/stream.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/views/stream.cljs
@@ -17,30 +17,43 @@
uploader-url upload-date related-streams
thumbnail-url show-comments-loading comments-page
show-comments service-id] :as stream} @(rf/subscribe [:stream])
- stream-type (-> (if (empty? video-streams) audio-streams video-streams)
- last
- :content)
+ available-streams (apply conj audio-streams video-streams)
+ {:keys [content id] :as stream-format} @(rf/subscribe [:stream-format])
page-loading? @(rf/subscribe [:show-page-loading])
service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])]
(if page-loading?
[loading/loading-icon service-color "text-5xl"]
- [:div.w-full.pb-4 {:class "ml:w-4/5 xl:w-3/5"}
+ [:div.w-full.pb-4.relative {:class "ml:w-4/5 xl:w-3/5"}
[navigation/back-button service-color]
{:style {:background (str "center / cover no-repeat url('" thumbnail-url"')")}
:class "ml:h-[450px] lg:h-[600px]"}
- [:video.bottom-0.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full
- {:src stream-type :controls true}]]
+ [:video.bottom-0.object-cover.min-h-full.max-h-full.min-w-full
+ {:src content :controls true}
+ "This browser can't play the stream format."]]
- [:div.flex.flex.w-full.mt-3.justify-center
+ [:div.flex.flex.w-full.mt-3
+ (when stream-format
+ [:div.relative.flex.bg-stone-800.flex-col.items-center.justify-center.z-10.mr-2.border.rounded.border-black
+ [:select.border-none.focus:ring-transparent.bg-blend-color-dodge.pl-4.pr-8.w-full
+ {:on-change #(rf/dispatch [::events/change-stream-format (.. % -target -value)])
+ :value id
+ :style {:background "transparent"}}
+ (when available-streams
+ (for [[i {:keys [id format resolution averageBitrate]}] (map-indexed vector available-streams)]
+ [:option.bg-neutral-900.border-none {:value id :key i}
+ (str (or resolution "audio-only") " " format (when-not resolution (str " " averageBitrate "kbit/s")))]))]
+ [:div.flex.absolute.min-h-full.top-0.right-4.items-center.justify-end
+ {:style {:zIndex "-1"}}
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-caret-down]]])
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/switch-to-global-player
{:uploader-name uploader-name :uploader-url uploader-url
- :name name :url url :stream stream-type :service-color service-color}])}
+ :name name :url url :stream content :service-color service-color}])}
- [:a {:href url}
- [:button.border.rounded.border-black.px-3.py-1.bg-stone-800.mx-2
+ [:button.border.rounded.border-black.px-3.py-1.bg-stone-800.mx-2
+ [:a {:href url}