path: root/src
diff options
authorMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2024-12-08 21:54:26 +0100
committerMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2024-12-08 21:54:26 +0100
commitd0977b0c514d5d2a9abadf712261d4d2c1a6cf87 (patch)
tree6ec9e955eca79904035830dd94565c03aa924b61 /src
parentd7da6114e55896de7e8b75fc595bb7869b858bc6 (diff)
feat: replace scrolled to bottom sub with IntersectionObserver API
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 150 insertions, 129 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
index 959285c..8bfc7a1 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
@@ -62,143 +62,164 @@
[{:keys [url name uploader-url uploader-name subscriber-count view-count
stream-count verified? thumbnails duration type]
:as item} route bookmarks]
- [:div.w-full
- [:div.flex.flex-col.max-w-full.min-h-full.max-h-full
- [layout/thumbnail
- (-> thumbnails
- last
- :url) route name duration
- :classes [:py-2 :h-44 "xs:h-28"] :rounded? true]
- [:div
- (when name
- [:div.flex.items-center.my-2
- [:a {:href route :title name}
- [:h1.line-clamp-2.my-1 {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]"} name]]
- (when (and verified? (not uploader-url))
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.pl-2.text-sm])])
- [:div.flex.justify-between
+ [:div.flex.flex-col.max-w-full.min-h-full.max-h-full
+ [layout/thumbnail
+ (-> thumbnails
+ last
+ :url) route name duration
+ :classes [:py-2 :h-44 "xs:h-28"] :rounded? true]
+ [:div
+ (when name
- (conj
- (when uploader-url
- [:a
- {:href (rfe/href :channel-page nil {:url uploader-url})
- :title uploader-name
- :key url}])
- [:h1.text-neutral-800.dark:text-gray-300.font-semibold.pr-2.line-clamp-1.break-all
- {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]" :title uploader-name :key url}
- uploader-name])
- (when (and uploader-url verified?)
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.text-xs])]
- [item-popover item bookmarks]]
- (when (and (= type "channel") subscriber-count)
- [:div.flex.items-center
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-users.text-xs]
- [:span.mx-2 (utils/format-quantity subscriber-count)]])
- (when stream-count
- [:div.flex.items-center
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-video.text-xs]
- [:span.mx-2 (utils/format-quantity stream-count)]])
- [:div.flex.my-1.justify-between
- [:span (utils/format-date-ago (:upload-date item))]
- (when view-count
- [:div.flex.items-center.h-full.pl-2
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-eye.text-xs]
- [:p.pl-1.5 (utils/format-quantity view-count)]])]]]])
+ [:a {:href route :title name}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-2.my-1 {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]"} name]]
+ (when (and verified? (not uploader-url))
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.pl-2.text-sm])])
+ [:div.flex.justify-between
+ [:div.flex.items-center.my-2
+ (conj
+ (when uploader-url
+ [:a
+ {:href (rfe/href :channel-page nil {:url uploader-url})
+ :title uploader-name
+ :key url}])
+ [:h1.text-neutral-800.dark:text-gray-300.font-semibold.pr-2.line-clamp-1.break-all
+ {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]" :title uploader-name :key url}
+ uploader-name])
+ (when (and uploader-url verified?)
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.text-xs])]
+ [item-popover item bookmarks]]
+ (when (and (= type "channel") subscriber-count)
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-users.text-xs]
+ [:span.mx-2 (utils/format-quantity subscriber-count)]])
+ (when stream-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-video.text-xs]
+ [:span.mx-2 (utils/format-quantity stream-count)]])
+ [:div.flex.my-1.justify-between
+ [:span (utils/format-date-ago (:upload-date item))]
+ (when view-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center.h-full.pl-2
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-eye.text-xs]
+ [:p.pl-1.5 (utils/format-quantity view-count)]])]]])
(defn list-item-content
[{:keys [url name uploader-url uploader-name subscriber-count view-count
stream-count verified? thumbnails duration upload-date type]
:as item} route bookmarks]
- [:div.w-full
- [:div.flex.gap-x-3.xs:gap-x-5
- [layout/thumbnail
- (-> thumbnails
- last
- :url) route name duration
- :classes
- [:py-2 :h-28 "sm:h-36" "min-w-[130px]" "max-w-[130px]" "sm:min-w-[250px]"
- "sm:max-w-[250px]"] :rounded?
- true]
- [:div.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.xs:mr-2.gap-y-2
- (when name
- [:div.flex.items-center.justify-between.mt-2
- [:a {:href route :title name}
- [:h1.line-clamp-1.xs:text-xl
- {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]"}
- name
- (when (and verified? (not uploader-url))
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.pl-3.text-sm])]]
- [item-popover item bookmarks]])
- [:div.flex.items-center.justify-between.gap-y-2
- [:div.flex.flex-col.justify-center.gap-y-2.text-neutral-600.dark:text-neutral-400
- (when (or uploader-url uploader-name)
- [:div.flex.gap-2.items-center
- [layout/uploader-avatar item :classes ["w-6" "h-6"]]
- (conj
- (when uploader-url
- [:a
- {:href (rfe/href :channel-page nil {:url uploader-url})
- :title uploader-name
- :key url}])
- [:h1.font-semibold.line-clamp-1.break-all.text-sm
- {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]" :title uploader-name :key url}
- uploader-name])
- (when (and uploader-url verified?)
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.text-xs])])
- (when (or view-count upload-date)
- [:div.flex.text-xs.xs:text-sm.flex-col.xs:flex-row
- (when view-count
- [:<>
- [:div.flex.items-center.h-full
- [:p (str (utils/format-quantity view-count) " views")]]
- [:span.px-2.hidden.xs:inline-block
- {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html "&bull;"}}]])
- [:span (utils/format-date-ago upload-date)]])
- (when (or subscriber-count stream-count)
- [:div.flex.text-xs.xs:text-sm.flex-col.xs:flex-row
- (when (and (= type "channel") subscriber-count)
- [:<>
- [:div.flex.items-center.h-full
- [:p
- (str (utils/format-quantity subscriber-count) " subscribers")]]
- (when stream-count
- [:span.px-2.hidden.xs:inline-block
- {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html "&bull;"}}])])
- (when stream-count
- [:span
- (str (utils/format-quantity stream-count) " streams")])])]]]]])
+ [:div.flex.gap-x-3.xs:gap-x-5
+ [layout/thumbnail
+ (-> thumbnails
+ last
+ :url) route name duration
+ :classes
+ [:py-2 :h-28 "sm:h-36" "min-w-[130px]" "max-w-[130px]" "sm:min-w-[250px]"
+ "sm:max-w-[250px]"] :rounded?
+ true]
+ [:div.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.xs:mr-2.gap-y-2
+ (when name
+ [:div.flex.items-center.justify-between.mt-2
+ [:a {:href route :title name}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-1.xs:text-xl
+ {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]"}
+ name
+ (when (and verified? (not uploader-url))
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.pl-3.text-sm])]]
+ [item-popover item bookmarks]])
+ [:div.flex.items-center.justify-between.gap-y-2
+ [:div.flex.flex-col.justify-center.gap-y-2.text-neutral-600.dark:text-neutral-400
+ (when (or uploader-url uploader-name)
+ [:div.flex.gap-2.items-center
+ [layout/uploader-avatar item :classes ["w-6" "h-6"]]
+ (conj
+ (when uploader-url
+ [:a
+ {:href (rfe/href :channel-page nil {:url uploader-url})
+ :title uploader-name
+ :key url}])
+ [:h1.font-semibold.line-clamp-1.break-all.text-sm
+ {:class "[overflow-wrap:anywhere]" :title uploader-name :key url}
+ uploader-name])
+ (when (and uploader-url verified?)
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.text-xs])])
+ (when (or view-count upload-date)
+ [:div.flex.text-xs.xs:text-sm.flex-col.xs:flex-row
+ (when view-count
+ [:<>
+ [:div.flex.items-center.h-full
+ [:p (str (utils/format-quantity view-count) " views")]]
+ [:span.px-2.hidden.xs:inline-block
+ {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html "&bull;"}}]])
+ [:span (utils/format-date-ago upload-date)]])
+ (when (or subscriber-count stream-count)
+ [:div.flex.text-xs.xs:text-sm.flex-col.xs:flex-row
+ (when (and (= type "channel") subscriber-count)
+ [:<>
+ [:div.flex.items-center.h-full
+ [:p
+ (str (utils/format-quantity subscriber-count) " subscribers")]]
+ (when stream-count
+ [:span.px-2.hidden.xs:inline-block
+ {:dangerouslySetInnerHTML {:__html "&bull;"}}])])
+ (when stream-count
+ [:span
+ (str (utils/format-quantity stream-count) " streams")])])]]]])
(defn related-streams
- [related-streams next-page-url !layout]
- (let [service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])
- pagination-loading? @(rf/subscribe [:show-pagination-loading])
- bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
- item-url #(case (:type %)
- "stream" (rfe/href :stream-page
- nil
- {:url (:url %)})
- "channel" (rfe/href :channel-page
- nil
- {:url (:url %)})
- "playlist" (rfe/href :playlist-page
- nil
- {:url (:url %)})
- (:url %))]
- [:div.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.my-2.md:my-8
- (if (empty? related-streams)
- [:div.flex.items-center.flex-auto.flex-col.justify-center.gap-y-4
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-ghost.text-3xl]
- [:p.text-lg "No available streams"]]
- (if (and !layout (= @!layout "grid"))
- [:div.grid.w-full.gap-x-10.gap-y-6
- {:class "xs:grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,_minmax(165px,_1fr))]"}
- (for [[i item] (map-indexed vector related-streams)]
- ^{:key i} [grid-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks])]
- [:div.flex.flex-wrap.w-full.gap-x-10.gap-y-6
- (for [[i item] (map-indexed vector related-streams)]
- ^{:key i} [list-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks])]))
- (when (and pagination-loading? (seq next-page-url))
- [layout/loading-icon service-color :text-md])]))
+ []
+ (let [!observer (atom nil)]
+ (fn [related-streams next-page-url !layout pagination-fn]
+ (let [service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])
+ pagination-loading? @(rf/subscribe [:show-pagination-loading])
+ bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
+ item-url #(case (:type %)
+ "stream" (rfe/href :stream-page
+ nil
+ {:url (:url %)})
+ "channel" (rfe/href :channel-page
+ nil
+ {:url (:url %)})
+ "playlist" (rfe/href :playlist-page
+ nil
+ {:url (:url %)})
+ (:url %))
+ last-item-ref #(when-not pagination-loading?
+ (when @!observer (.disconnect @!observer))
+ (when %
+ (.observe
+ (reset! !observer
+ (js/IntersectionObserver.
+ (fn [entries]
+ (when (.-isIntersecting (first
+ entries))
+ (pagination-fn)))))
+ %)))]
+ [:div.flex.flex-col.flex-auto.my-2.md:my-8
+ (if (empty? related-streams)
+ [:div.flex.items-center.flex-auto.flex-col.justify-center.gap-y-4
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-ghost.text-3xl]
+ [:p.text-lg "No available streams"]]
+ (if (and !layout (= @!layout "grid"))
+ [:div.grid.w-full.gap-x-10.gap-y-6
+ {:class "xs:grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fill,_minmax(165px,_1fr))]"}
+ (for [[i item] (map-indexed vector related-streams)]
+ ^{:key i}
+ [:div.w-full
+ {:ref (when (and (seq next-page-url)
+ (= (+ i 1) (count related-streams)))
+ last-item-ref)}
+ [grid-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks]])]
+ [:div.flex.flex-wrap.w-full.gap-x-10.gap-y-6
+ (for [[i item] (map-indexed vector related-streams)]
+ ^{:key i}
+ [:div.w-full
+ {:ref (when (and (seq next-page-url)
+ (= (+ i 1) (count related-streams)))
+ last-item-ref)}
+ [list-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks]])]))
+ (when (and pagination-loading? (seq next-page-url))
+ [layout/loading-icon service-color :text-md])]))))
(defn layout-switcher