path: root/src
diff options
authorMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2024-12-19 02:55:47 +0100
committerMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2024-12-19 03:12:53 +0100
commit87ae04fd02a11db1d394e647c2c868d293d196ea (patch)
treeb09198be7056b5fdc94d0d21eaffcd897e423ed2 /src
parent3e59b96c990d4a6d9b3ee374876dab88c7394927 (diff)
feat: simplify popover invocations
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
8 files changed, 197 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/bg_player/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/bg_player/views.cljs
index a7e511b..1c5d28a 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/bg_player/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/bg_player/views.cljs
@@ -203,60 +203,66 @@
(utils/format-duration (.-duration @!player))
+(defn popover
+ [{:keys [uploader-url url] :as stream}]
+ (let [queue @(rf/subscribe [:queue])
+ queue-pos @(rf/subscribe [:queue/position])
+ favorited? @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks/favorited url])
+ bookmark #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
+ [modals/add-to-bookmark %]])]
+ [layout/popover
+ [{:label (if favorited? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
+ (when favorited?
+ {:style {:color (-> stream
+ :service-id
+ utils/get-service-color)}})]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if favorited? :likes/remove :likes/add)
+ stream
+ true])}
+ {:label "Start radio"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio
+ stream])}
+ {:label "Add current to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ :on-click #(bookmark stream)}
+ {:label "Add queue to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-list]
+ :on-click #(bookmark queue)}
+ {:label "Remove from queue"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/remove
+ queue-pos])}
+ {:label "Switch to main"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-display]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch
+ [:bg-player/switch-to-main])}
+ {:label "Show channel details"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-user]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:navigation/navigate
+ {:name :channel-page
+ :params {}
+ :query {:url
+ uploader-url}}])}
+ {:label "Close player"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-close]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/dispose])}]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-5" "bottom-5"]
+ :extra-classes [:!pl-4 :px-3]]))
(defn extra-controls
- [_ _ _]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)]
- (fn [!player {:keys [url uploader-url] :as stream} color]
- (let [muted? @(rf/subscribe [:player/muted])
- volume @(rf/subscribe [:player/volume])
- queue @(rf/subscribe [:queue])
- queue-pos @(rf/subscribe [:queue/position])
- bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
- liked? (some #(= (:url %) url)
- (-> bookmarks
- first
- :items))
- bookmark #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open [modals/add-to-bookmark %]])]
- [:div.flex.lg:justify-end.lg:flex-1.gap-x-2
- [volume-slider !player volume muted? color]
- [button
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-list]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/show true])
- :show-on-mobile? true
- :extra-classes [:!pl-4 :!pr-3]]
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
- [{:label (if liked? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
- (when liked? {:style {:color color}})]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if liked? :likes/remove :likes/add)
- stream true])}
- {:label "Start radio"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio stream])}
- {:label "Add current to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
- :on-click #(bookmark stream)}
- {:label "Add queue to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-list]
- :on-click #(bookmark queue)}
- {:label "Remove from queue"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/remove queue-pos])}
- {:label "Switch to main"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-display]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/switch-to-main])}
- {:label "Show channel details"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-user]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:navigation/navigate
- {:name :channel-page
- :params {}
- :query {:url uploader-url}}])}
- {:label "Close player"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-close]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/dispose])}]
- :menu-classes
- ["xs:right-5" "xs:top-auto" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-5"]
- :extra-classes [:!pl-4 :px-3]]]))))
+ [!player stream color]
+ (let [muted? @(rf/subscribe [:player/muted])
+ volume @(rf/subscribe [:player/volume])]
+ [:div.flex.lg:justify-end.lg:flex-1.gap-x-2
+ [volume-slider !player volume muted? color]
+ [button
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-list]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/show true])
+ :show-on-mobile? true
+ :extra-classes [:!pl-4 :!pr-3]]
+ [popover stream]]))
(defn audio-player
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/subs.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/subs.cljs
index 1091cb1..be40e5b 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/subs.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/subs.cljs
@@ -6,3 +6,31 @@
(fn [db _]
(:bookmarks db)))
+ :bookmarks/bookmarked
+ (fn []
+ (rf/subscribe [:bookmarks]))
+ (fn [bookmarks [_ id]]
+ (some #(= (:id %) id) (rest bookmarks))))
+ :bookmarks/favorited
+ (fn []
+ (rf/subscribe [:bookmarks]))
+ (fn [bookmarks [_ url]]
+ (some #(= (:url %) url)
+ (-> bookmarks
+ first
+ :items))))
+ :bookmarks/playlisted
+ (fn []
+ (rf/subscribe [:bookmarks]))
+ (fn [bookmarks [_ url playlist-id]]
+ (some #(= (:url %) url)
+ (->> bookmarks
+ (filter #(= (:id %) playlist-id))
+ first
+ :items))))
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/views.cljs
index e92de3a..1c63c96 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/bookmarks/views.cljs
@@ -9,8 +9,7 @@
(defn bookmarks
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)
- !layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
+ (let [!layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
(fn []
(let [bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
items (map
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@
[layout/content-header "Bookmarks"
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
+ [layout/popover
[{:label "Add New"
:icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open [modals/add-bookmark]])}
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@
{:id "file-selector"
:type "file"
:multiple "multiple"
- :on-click #(reset! !menu-active? true)
:on-change #(rf/dispatch [:bookmarks/import
(.. % -target -files)])}]
@@ -56,8 +54,7 @@
(defn bookmark
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)
- !layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
+ (let [!layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
(fn []
(let [bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
{{:keys [id]} :query-params} @(rf/subscribe
@@ -68,7 +65,7 @@
[layout/content-header name
(when-not (empty? items)
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
+ [layout/popover
[{:label "Add to queue"
:icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n items true])}
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/channel/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/channel/views.cljs
index 102308f..58d5f50 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/channel/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/channel/views.cljs
@@ -8,21 +8,18 @@
[tubo.utils :as utils]))
(defn metadata-popover
- [_]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)]
- (fn [{:keys [related-streams]}]
- (when related-streams
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
- [{:label "Add streams to queue"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n related-streams true])}
- {:label "Add streams to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
- [modals/add-to-bookmark
- related-streams]])}]
- :menu-classes
- ["xs:right-7" "xs:top-0" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-auto"]]))))
+ [{:keys [related-streams]}]
+ (when related-streams
+ [layout/popover
+ [{:label "Add streams to queue"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n related-streams true])}
+ {:label "Add streams to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
+ [modals/add-to-bookmark
+ related-streams]])}]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-7" "top-0"]]))
(defn metadata
[{:keys [avatars name subscriber-count] :as channel}]
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
index 3e578f9..78d6776 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/items/views.cljs
@@ -1,68 +1,59 @@
(ns tubo.items.views
[re-frame.core :as rf]
- [reagent.core :as r]
[reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
[tubo.bookmarks.modals :as bookmarks]
[tubo.layout.views :as layout]
[tubo.utils :as utils]))
(defn item-popover
- [_ _]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)]
- (fn [{:keys [service-id audio-streams video-streams type url bookmark-id
- uploader-url]
- :as item} bookmarks]
- (let [liked? (some #(= (:url %) url)
- (-> bookmarks
- first
- :items))
- items
- (if (or (= type "stream") audio-streams video-streams)
- [{:label "Add to queue"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/show item true])}
- {:label "Start radio"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio item])}
- {:label (if liked? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
- (when (and liked? service-id)
- {:style {:color (utils/get-service-color
- service-id)}})]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if liked? :likes/remove :likes/add)
- item true])}
- {:label "Add to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
- [bookmarks/add-to-bookmark item]])}
- (when (some #(= (:url %) url)
- (:items (first (filter #(= (:id %) bookmark-id)
- bookmarks))))
- {:label "Remove from playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bookmark/remove item])})
- {:label "Show channel details"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-user]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:navigation/navigate
- {:name :channel-page
- :params {}
- :query {:url uploader-url}}])}]
- [(when (and bookmarks
- (some #(= (:id %) bookmark-id) (rest bookmarks)))
- {:label "Remove playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bookmarks/remove bookmark-id
- true])})])]
- (when (not-empty (remove nil? items))
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active? items :extra-classes
- [:pr-0 :pl-4] :menu-classes
- ["xs:right-5" "xs:top-0" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-auto"]])))))
+ [{:keys [service-id audio-streams video-streams type url bookmark-id
+ uploader-url]
+ :as item}]
+ (let [favorited? @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks/favorited url])
+ items
+ (if (or (= type "stream") audio-streams video-streams)
+ [{:label "Add to queue"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/show item true])}
+ {:label "Start radio"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio item])}
+ {:label (if favorited? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
+ (when (and favorited? service-id)
+ {:style {:color (utils/get-service-color
+ service-id)}})]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if favorited? :likes/remove :likes/add)
+ item true])}
+ {:label "Add to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
+ [bookmarks/add-to-bookmark item]])}
+ (when @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks/playlisted url bookmark-id])
+ {:label "Remove from playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bookmark/remove item])})
+ {:label "Show channel details"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-user]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:navigation/navigate
+ {:name :channel-page
+ :params {}
+ :query {:url uploader-url}}])}]
+ [(when @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks/bookmarked bookmark-id])
+ {:label "Remove playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-trash]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bookmarks/remove bookmark-id
+ true])})])]
+ (when (not-empty (remove nil? items))
+ [layout/popover items
+ :extra-classes [:pr-0 :pl-4]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-5" "top-0"]])))
(defn grid-item-content
[{:keys [url name uploader-url uploader-name subscriber-count view-count
stream-count verified? thumbnails duration type]
- :as item} route bookmarks]
+ :as item} route]
(-> thumbnails
@@ -89,7 +80,7 @@
(when (and uploader-url verified?)
- [item-popover item bookmarks]]
+ [item-popover item]]
(when (and (= type "channel") subscriber-count)
@@ -108,7 +99,7 @@
(defn list-item-content
[{:keys [url name uploader-url uploader-name subscriber-count view-count
stream-count verified? thumbnails duration upload-date type]
- :as item} route bookmarks]
+ :as item} route]
(-> thumbnails
@@ -127,7 +118,7 @@
(when (and verified? (not uploader-url))
- [item-popover item bookmarks]])
+ [item-popover item]])
(when (or uploader-url uploader-name)
@@ -173,7 +164,6 @@
(fn [related-streams next-page-url !layout pagination-fn]
(let [service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])
pagination-loading? @(rf/subscribe [:show-pagination-loading])
- bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
item-url #(case (:type %)
"stream" (rfe/href :stream-page
@@ -210,7 +200,7 @@
{:ref (when (and (seq next-page-url)
(= (+ i 1) (count related-streams)))
- [grid-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks]])]
+ [grid-item-content item (item-url item)]])]
(for [[i item] (map-indexed vector related-streams)]
^{:key i}
@@ -218,7 +208,7 @@
{:ref (when (and (seq next-page-url)
(= (+ i 1) (count related-streams)))
- [list-item-content item (item-url item) bookmarks]])]))
+ [list-item-content item (item-url item)]])]))
(when (and pagination-loading? (seq next-page-url))
[layout/loading-icon service-color :text-md])]))))
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/playlist/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/playlist/views.cljs
index 561e1a1..34bbd03 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/playlist/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/playlist/views.cljs
@@ -8,21 +8,18 @@
[tubo.layout.views :as layout]))
(defn metadata-popover
- [_]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)]
- (fn [{:keys [related-streams]}]
- (when related-streams
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
- [{:label "Add to queue"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n related-streams true])}
- {:label "Add to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
- [modals/add-to-bookmark
- related-streams]])}]
- :menu-classes
- ["xs:right-7" "xs:top-0" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-auto"]]))))
+ [{:keys [related-streams]}]
+ (when related-streams
+ [layout/popover
+ [{:label "Add to queue"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n related-streams true])}
+ {:label "Add to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
+ [modals/add-to-bookmark
+ related-streams]])}]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-7" "top-0"]]))
(defn playlist
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/queue/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/queue/views.cljs
index 474a6c2..3c0c21f 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/queue/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/queue/views.cljs
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
[:span (utils/get-service-name service-id)]]]])
(defn popover
- [{:keys [url service-id uploader-url] :as item} i menu-active? bookmarks]
+ [{:keys [url service-id uploader-url] :as item} i bookmarks]
(let [liked? (some #(= (:url %) url)
(-> bookmarks
- [layout/popover-menu menu-active?
+ [layout/popover
[{:label (if liked? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
:icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
(when liked?
@@ -59,20 +59,18 @@
{:name :channel-page
:params {}
:query {:url uploader-url}}])}]
- :menu-classes
- ["xs:right-5" "xs:top-0" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-auto"]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-5" "top-0" "z-20"]
:extra-classes [:px-7 :py-2]]]))
(defn queue-item
- [_item _queue _queue-pos _i _bookmarks]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom false)
- show-main-player? @(rf/subscribe [:main-player/show])]
+ []
+ (let [show-main-player? @(rf/subscribe [:main-player/show])]
(fn [item queue queue-pos i bookmarks]
{:ref #(when (and queue (= queue-pos i) (not show-main-player?))
(rf/dispatch [:scroll-into-view %]))}
[item-metadata item queue-pos i]
- [popover item i !menu-active? bookmarks]])))
+ [popover item i bookmarks]])))
(defn queue-metadata
[{:keys [url name uploader-url uploader-name]}]
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/stream/views.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/stream/views.cljs
index b2cd770..1bbd2df 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/stream/views.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/stream/views.cljs
@@ -11,37 +11,31 @@
[tubo.utils :as utils]))
(defn metadata-popover
- [_]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)]
- (fn [{:keys [service-id url] :as stream}]
- (let [bookmarks @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks])
- liked? (some #(= (:url %) url)
- (-> bookmarks
- first
- :items))]
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
- [{:label "Add to queue"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/show stream true])}
- {:label "Start radio"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio stream])}
- {:label (if liked? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
- :icon (if liked?
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
- {:style {:color (utils/get-service-color service-id)}}]
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart])
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if liked? :likes/remove :likes/add) stream
- true])}
- {:label "Original"
- :link {:route url :external? true}
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-external-link-alt]}
- {:label "Add to playlist"
- :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
- :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
- [modals/add-to-bookmark stream]])}]
- :menu-classes ["xs:right-5" "xs:top-5" "xs:left-auto" "xs:bottom-auto"]
- :extra-classes ["xs:py-2" "xs:px-4"]]))))
+ [{:keys [service-id url] :as stream}]
+ (let [favorited? @(rf/subscribe [:bookmarks/favorited url])]
+ [layout/popover
+ [{:label "Add to queue"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/show stream true])}
+ {:label "Start radio"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-tower-cell]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:bg-player/start-radio stream])}
+ {:label (if favorited? "Remove favorite" "Favorite")
+ :icon (if favorited?
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart
+ {:style {:color (utils/get-service-color service-id)}}]
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart])
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [(if favorited? :likes/remove :likes/add) stream
+ true])}
+ {:label "Original"
+ :link {:route url :external? true}
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-external-link-alt]}
+ {:label "Add to playlist"
+ :icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [:modals/open
+ [modals/add-to-bookmark stream]])}]
+ :tooltip-classes ["right-5" "top-5"]
+ :extra-classes ["p-3" "xs:py-2" "xs:px-4"]]))
(defn metadata-uploader
[{:keys [uploader-url uploader-name subscriber-count] :as stream}]
@@ -114,9 +108,8 @@
[comments/comments comments-page stream])))))
(defn related-items
- [_]
- (let [!menu-active? (r/atom nil)
- !layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
+ []
+ (let [!layout (r/atom (:items-layout @(rf/subscribe [:settings])))]
(fn [{:keys [related-streams]}]
(let [show? (:show-related @(rf/subscribe [:settings]))]
(when (and show? (seq related-streams))
@@ -124,7 +117,7 @@
[:span.font-semibold.text-xl "Next Up"]
- [layout/popover-menu !menu-active?
+ [layout/popover
[{:label "Add to queue"
:icon [:i.fa-solid.fa-headphones]
:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:queue/add-n