path: root/src/frontend/tau/components
diff options
authorMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2022-12-29 02:26:20 +0100
committerMiguel Ángel Moreno <mail@migalmoreno.com>2022-12-29 02:26:20 +0100
commit8c46de38348c421c0c9f102d604fcfc18807c0bb (patch)
tree3174b4392ca3eadd24c1da06929830b220764e38 /src/frontend/tau/components
parentdfcc61063822dfb0fe699896da312249e93d5439 (diff)
feat(frontend): Add further features and address quirks
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/tau/components')
4 files changed, 142 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/components/comments.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/components/comments.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9300b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/components/comments.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(ns tau.components.comments
+ (:require
+ [re-frame.core :as rf]
+ [reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
+ [tau.components.loading :as loading]
+ [tau.events :as events]
+ ["timeago.js" :as timeago]))
+(defn comment-item
+ [{:keys [id text uploader-name uploader-avatar uploader-url
+ upload-date uploader-verified? like-count hearted-by-uploader?
+ pinned? replies key]} author-name author-avatar]
+ [:div.flex.my-4
+ (when uploader-avatar
+ [:div.flex.items-center.py-3.box-border.h-12
+ [:div.w-12
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url uploader-url}) :title name}
+ [:img.rounded-full.object-cover.min-w-full.min-h-full {:src uploader-avatar}]]]])
+ [:div.ml-2
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ (when pinned?
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-thumbtack.mr-2])
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url uploader-url}) :title name}
+ [:h1.text-gray-300.font-bold uploader-name]]
+ (when uploader-verified?
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check.ml-2])]
+ [:div.my-2
+ [:p text]]
+ [:div..flex.items-center.my-2
+ [:div.mr-4
+ [:p (if (-> upload-date js/Date.parse js/isNaN)
+ upload-date
+ (timeago/format upload-date))]]
+ (when like-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center.my-2
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-thumbs-up]
+ [:p.mx-1 like-count]])
+ (when hearted-by-uploader?
+ [:div.relative.w-4.h-4.mx-2
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-heart.absolute.-bottom-1.-right-1.text-xs.text-red-500]
+ [:img.rounded-full.object-covermax-w-full.min-h-full
+ {:src author-avatar :title (str author-name " hearted this comment")}]])]]])
+(defn comments
+ [{:keys [comments next-page disabled?]} author-name author-avatar url]
+ (let [pagination-loading? @(rf/subscribe [:show-pagination-loading])
+ service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])]
+ [:div.flex.flex-col
+ [:div
+ (for [[i comment] (map-indexed vector comments)]
+ [comment-item (assoc comment :key i) author-name author-avatar])]
+ (when (:url next-page)
+ (if pagination-loading?
+ (loading/comments-pagination-loading-icon service-color)
+ [:div.flex.items-center.justify-center
+ {:style {:cursor "pointer"}
+ :on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/comments-pagination url (:url next-page)])}
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-plus]
+ [:p.px-2 "Show more comments"]]))]))
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/components/items.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/components/items.cljs
index 5d26749..0a8bad6 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/components/items.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/components/items.cljs
@@ -1,74 +1,80 @@
(ns tau.components.items
- [reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]))
+ [reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]
+ [tau.util :as util]
+ ["timeago.js" :as timeago]))
(defn stream-item
- [id {:keys [url name thumbnail-url upload-author upload-url
- upload-avatar upload-date short-description
- duration view-count uploaded verified?]}]
- [:div.w-56.h-66.my-2 {:key id}
+ [{:keys [url name thumbnail-url upload-author upload-url
+ upload-avatar upload-date short-description
+ duration view-count uploaded verified? key]}]
+ [:div.w-56.h-66.my-2 {:key key}
- [:a.overflow-hidden {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/stream nil {:url url}) :title name}
- [:div.flex.py-3.box-border.h-28
- [:div.relative.min-w-full
- [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]
- [:div.rounded.p-2.absolute {:style {:bottom 5 :right 5 :background "rgba(0,0,0,.7)"}}
- [:p {:style {:fontSize "14px"}}
- (let [duration (js/Date. (* duration 1000))
- slice (if (> (.getHours duration) 1)
- #(.slice % 11 19)
- #(.slice % 14 19))]
- (-> duration (.toISOString) slice))]]]]
- [:div.my-2
- [:h1.line-clamp-2.my-1 name]]
- [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url upload-url}) :title upload-author}
+ [:div.flex.py-2.box-border.h-28
+ [:div.relative.min-w-full
+ [:a.absolute.min-w-full.min-h-full.z-50 {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/stream nil {:url url}) :title name}]
+ [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]
+ [:div.rounded.p-2.absolute {:style {:bottom 5 :right 5 :background "rgba(0,0,0,.7)" :zIndex "0"}}
+ [:p {:style {:fontSize "14px"}}
+ (if (= duration 0)
+ "LIVE"
+ (util/format-duration duration))]]]]
+ [:div.my-2
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/stream nil {:url url}) :title name}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-2.my-1 name]]]
+ (when-not (empty? upload-author)
- [:h1.line-clamp-1.text-gray-300.font-bold.pr-2 upload-author]
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url upload-url}) :title upload-author}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-1.text-gray-300.font-bold.pr-2 upload-author]]
(when verified?
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check])]]
- [:div.flex.my-1.justify-between
- [:p (if (-> upload-date js/Date.parse js/isNaN)
- upload-date
- (-> upload-date
- js/Date.parse
- js/Date.
- .toDateString))]
- [:div.flex.items-center.h-full.pl-2
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-eye.text-xs]
- [:p.pl-1.5 (.toLocaleString view-count)]]]]]])
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check])])
+ [:div.flex.my-1.justify-between
+ [:p (if (-> upload-date js/Date.parse js/isNaN)
+ upload-date
+ (timeago/format upload-date))]
+ (when view-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center.h-full.pl-2
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-eye.text-xs]
+ [:p.pl-1.5 (util/format-quantity view-count)]])]]])
(defn channel-item
- [id {:keys [url name thumbnail-url description subscriber-count stream-count verified?]}]
- [:div.w-56.h-64.my-2 {:key id}
+ [{:keys [url name thumbnail-url description subscriber-count
+ stream-count verified? key]}]
+ [:div.w-56.h-64.my-2 {:key key}
- [:a.overflow-hidden {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url url}) :title name}
- [:div.flex.min-w-full.py-3.box-border.h-28
- [:div.min-w-full
- [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]]]
- [:div.overflow-hidden
- [:div.flex.items-center.my-2
- [:h1.line-clamp-1.text-gray-300.font-bold.pr-2 name]
- (when verified?
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check])]
- [:div.flex.items-center
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-users.text-xs]
- [:p.mx-2 subscriber-count]]
- [:div.flex.items-center
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-video.text-xs]
- [:p.mx-2 stream-count]]]]]])
+ [:div.flex.min-w-full.py-3.box-border.h-28
+ [:div.relative.min-w-full
+ [:a.absolute.min-w-full.min-h-full {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url url}) :title name}]
+ [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]]]
+ [:div.overflow-hidden
+ [:div.flex.items-center.py-2.box-border
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/channel nil {:url url}) :title name}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-1.text-gray-300.font-bold.pr-2 name]]
+ (when verified?
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-circle-check])]
+ (when subscriber-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-users.text-xs]
+ [:p.mx-2 subscriber-count]])
+ (when stream-count
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-video.text-xs]
+ [:p.mx-2 stream-count]])]]])
(defn playlist-item
- [id {:keys [url name thumbnail-url upload-author stream-count]}]
- [:div.w-56.h-64.my-2 {:key id}
+ [{:keys [url name thumbnail-url upload-author stream-count key]}]
+ [:div.w-56.h-64.my-2 {:key key}
- [:a.overflow-hidden {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/playlist nil {:url url}) :title name}
- [:div.flex.min-w-full.py-3.box-border.h-28
- [:div.min-w-full
- [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]]]
- [:div.overflow-hidden
- [:h1.line-clamp-2 name]
- [:h1.text-gray-300.font-bold upload-author]
- [:p (condp >= stream-count
- 0 "No streams"
- 1 (str stream-count " stream")
- (str stream-count " streams"))]]]]])
+ [:div.flex.min-w-full.py-3.box-border.h-28
+ [:div.relative.min-w-full
+ [:a.absolute.min-w-full.min-h-full.z-50 {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/playlist nil {:url url}) :title name}]
+ [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full.min-w-full {:src thumbnail-url}]]]
+ [:div.overflow-hidden
+ [:div
+ [:a {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/playlist nil {:url url}) :title name}
+ [:h1.line-clamp-2 name]]]
+ [:div.my-2
+ [:h1.text-gray-300.font-bold upload-author]]
+ [:div.flex.items-center
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-video.text-xs]
+ [:p.mx-2 stream-count]]]]])
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/components/loading.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/components/loading.cljs
index 66954a1..9b1fee8 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/components/loading.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/components/loading.cljs
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
-(ns tau.components.loading
- (:require
- [re-frame.core :as rf]))
+(ns tau.components.loading)
(defn page-loading-icon
- [:i.fas.fa-circle-notch.fa-spin.text-8xl
+ [:i.fas.fa-circle-notch.fa-spin.text-5xl
{:style {:color service-color}}]])
-(defn pagination-loading-icon
+(defn items-pagination-loading-icon
[service-color loading?]
{:class (when-not loading? "invisible")}
{:style {:color service-color}}]])
+(defn comments-pagination-loading-icon
+ [service-color]
+ [:div.w-full.flex.justify-center.items-center.flex-auto
+ [:i.fas.fa-circle-notch.fa-spin
+ {:style {:color service-color}}]])
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/components/navigation.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/components/navigation.cljs
index a0d25e2..c8f0b5a 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tau/components/navigation.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/components/navigation.cljs
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@
[re-frame.core :as rf]
[tau.events :as events]))
-(defn back-button []
- (let [service-color @(rf/subscribe [:service-color])]
- [:div.flex {:class "w-4/5"}
- [:button.p-2
- {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/history-back])}
- [:i.fa-solid.fa-chevron-left
- {:style {:color service-color}}]
- [:span " Back"]]]))
+(defn back-button [service-color]
+ [:div.flex {:class "w-4/5"}
+ [:button.p-2
+ {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/history-back])}
+ [:i.fa-solid.fa-chevron-left
+ {:style {:color service-color}}]
+ [:span " Back"]]])