path: root/src/frontend/tubo
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/tubo')
2 files changed, 48 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/components/notification.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/components/notification.cljs
index 61c10ad..2f03cd4 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/components/notification.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/components/notification.cljs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
[tubo.events :as events]))
(defn notification-content
- [{:keys [failure parse-error status status-text] :as notification} key]
+ [{:keys [failure parse-error status status-text] :as notification}]
(when notification
{:class (clojure.string/join
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
:error ["bg-red-600/90 text-white"]
- {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/remove-notification key])}
+ {:on-click #(rf/dispatch [::events/remove-notification (:id notification)])}
[:span.font-bold (str (when status (str status ": ")) status-text)]
(when parse-error
@@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
(let [notifications @(rf/subscribe [:notifications])]
(for [[i notification] (map-indexed vector notifications)]
- ^{:key i} [notification-content notification i])])))
+ ^{:key i} [notification-content notification])])))
diff --git a/src/frontend/tubo/events.cljs b/src/frontend/tubo/events.cljs
index 4b0ca5c..c431daf 100644
--- a/src/frontend/tubo/events.cljs
+++ b/src/frontend/tubo/events.cljs
@@ -273,27 +273,29 @@
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ data time]]
- (let [updated-db (update db :notifications #(into [] (conj %1 %2)) data)]
+ (let [id (nano-id)
+ updated-db (update db :notifications #(into [] (conj %1 %2)) (assoc data :id id))]
{:db updated-db
- :fx (when time
- [[::timeout! {:id (-> updated-db :notifications count dec)
- :event [::pop-notification]
- :time time}]])})))
- ::pop-notification
- (fn [{:keys [db]} _]
- {:fx [[:dispatch [::remove-notification (dec (count (:notifications db)))]]]}))
+ :fx (if (false? time)
+ []
+ [[::timeout! {:id id
+ :event [::remove-notification id]
+ :time (or time 2000)}]])})))
- (fn [db [_ pos]]
- (update db :notifications #(into (subvec % 0 pos) (subvec % (inc pos))))))
+ (fn [db [_ id]]
+ (update db :notifications #(remove (fn [n] (= (:id n) id)) %))))
+ ::clear-notifications
+ (fn [db _]
+ (dissoc db :notifications)))
(fn [{:keys [db]} [_ res]]
- {:fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification res 2000]]]}))
+ {:fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification res]]]}))
@@ -507,13 +509,14 @@
[(rf/inject-cofx :store)]
- (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark]]
- (let [updated-db (update db :bookmarks conj (assoc bookmark :id (nano-id)))]
+ (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark notify?]]
+ (let [updated-db (update db :bookmarks conj (if (:id bookmark) bookmark (assoc bookmark :id (nano-id))))]
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
- :fx [[:dispatch [::close-modal]]
- [:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Added playlist \"" (:name bookmark) "\"")
- :failure :success} 2000]]]})))
+ :fx (conj [[:dispatch [::close-modal]]]
+ (when notify?
+ [:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Added playlist \"" (:name bookmark) "\"")
+ :failure :success}]]))})))
@@ -523,44 +526,52 @@
(fn [_ [_ bookmark item]]
- {:fx [[:dispatch [::add-bookmark-list bookmark]]
+ {:fx [[:dispatch [::add-bookmark-list bookmark true]]
[:dispatch [::back-to-bookmark-list-modal item]]]}))
[(rf/inject-cofx :store)]
- (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ id]]
+ (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ id notify?]]
(let [bookmark (first (filter #(= (:id %) id) (:bookmarks db)))
- updated-db (update db :bookmarks #(into [] (remove (fn [bookmark] (= (:id bookmark) id)) %)))]
+ updated-db (update db :bookmarks
+ #(into [] (remove (fn [bookmark] (= (:id bookmark) id)) %)))]
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
- :fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Removed playlist \"" (:name bookmark) "\"")
- :failure :success} 2000]]]})))
+ :fx (if notify?
+ [[:dispatch [::add-notification
+ {:status-text (str "Removed playlist \"" (:name bookmark) "\"")
+ :failure :success}]]]
+ [])})))
[(rf/inject-cofx :store)]
- (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark]]
+ (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark notify?]]
(when-not (some #(= (:url %) (:url bookmark)) (-> db :bookmarks first :items))
(let [updated-db (update-in db [:bookmarks 0 :items] #(into [] (conj (into [] %1) %2))
(assoc bookmark :bookmark-id (-> db :bookmarks first :id)))]
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
- :fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text "Added to favorites" :failure :success} 2000]]]}))))
+ :fx (if notify?
+ [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text "Added to favorites" :failure :success}]]]
+ [])}))))
[(rf/inject-cofx :store)]
- (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark]]
+ (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark notify?]]
(let [updated-db (update-in db [:bookmarks 0 :items] #(remove (fn [item] (= (:url item) (:url bookmark))) %))]
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
- :fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text "Removed from favorites" :failure :success} 2000]]]})))
+ :fx (if notify?
+ [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text "Removed from favorites" :failure :success}]]]
+ [])})))
[(rf/inject-cofx :store)]
- (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark item]]
+ (fn [{:keys [db store]} [_ bookmark item notify?]]
(let [bookmark-list (first (filter #(= (:id %) (:id bookmark)) (:bookmarks db)))
pos (.indexOf (:bookmarks db) bookmark-list)
updated-db (if (some #(= (:url %) (:url item)) (:items bookmark-list))
@@ -569,9 +580,11 @@
(assoc item :bookmark-id (:id bookmark))))]
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
- :fx [[:dispatch [::close-modal]]
- [:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Added to playlist \"" (:name bookmark-list) "\"")
- :failure :success} 2000]]]})))
+ :fx (conj
+ [[:dispatch [::close-modal]]]
+ (when notify?
+ [:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Added to playlist \"" (:name bookmark-list) "\"")
+ :failure :success}]]))})))
@@ -583,7 +596,7 @@
{:db updated-db
:store (assoc store :bookmarks (:bookmarks updated-db))
:fx [[:dispatch [::add-notification {:status-text (str "Removed from playlist \"" (:name bookmark-list) "\"")
- :failure :success} 2000]]]})))
+ :failure :success}]]]})))