path: root/src/frontend/tau/views/search.cljs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/frontend/tau/views/search.cljs')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/frontend/tau/views/search.cljs b/src/frontend/tau/views/search.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64bddf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/frontend/tau/views/search.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+(ns tau.views.search
+ (:require
+ [re-frame.core :as rf]
+ [reitit.frontend.easy :as rfe]))
+(defn search-result
+ [title author url thumbnail id]
+ [:div.w-56.h-64.my-2 {:key id}
+ [:div.p-5.border.rounded.border-slate-900.m-2.bg-slate-600.flex.flex-col.max-w-full.min-h-full.max-h-full
+ [:a.overflow-hidden {:href (rfe/href :tau.routes/stream {} {:url url}) :title title}
+ [:div.flex.justify-center.min-w-full.py-3.box-border
+ [:div.h-28.min-w-full.flex.justify-center
+ [:img.rounded.object-cover.max-h-full {:src thumbnail}]]]
+ [:div.overflow-hidden
+ [:h1.text-gray-300.font-bold author]
+ [:h1 title]]]]])
+(defn search
+ [m]
+ (let [search-results (rf/subscribe [:search-results])
+ services (rf/subscribe [:services])
+ service-id (rf/subscribe [:service-id])]
+ [:div.text-gray-300.text-center.py-5.relative
+ [:h2 (str "Showing search results for: \"" (-> m :query-params :q) "\"")]
+ [:h1 (str "Number of search results: " (count (:items @search-results)))]
+ ;; TODO: Create loadable component that wraps other components that need to fetch from API
+ ;; or use a :loading key to show a spinner component instead
+ (if (empty? @search-results)
+ [:p "Loading"]
+ [:div.flex.justify-center.align-center.flex-wrap
+ (for [[i result] (map-indexed vector (:items @search-results))]
+ ;; TODO: Add a component per result type
+ [search-result
+ (:name result)
+ (:upload-author result)
+ (:url result)
+ (:thumbnail-url result)
+ i])])]))