# -*- mode: org; org-html-head-include-default-style: nil; org-html-postamble: nil; -*- #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * Tau A front-end alternative to various streaming sites. It leverages the excellent [[https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor][NewPipe Extractor]] library that powers the popular [[https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe][NewPipe]] Android app. Tau exposes the extracted data over a REST API that is consumed by a local re-frame SPA. The easiest way to set up Tau's dependencies is via the [[https://guix.gnu.org/][GNU Guix]] package manager. Simply invoke what follows: #+begin_src sh cd /path/to/tau guix shell #+end_src To run the application, first compile the downloader ahead-of-time. #+begin_src sh clojure -M -e "(compile 'tau.downloader-impl)" #+end_src Fetch the front-end dependencies and build the front-end assets. #+begin_src sh npm i npm run build #+end_src Then, compile the front-end. #+begin_src sh clojure -M:frontend compile tau #+end_src You can now start a local server that listens on port 3000 by running the following: #+begin_src sh clojure -M:run #+end_src Access the front-end in your browser at =http://localhost:3000=. You can use the project's [[https://lists.sr.ht/~conses/tau][mailing list]] to send feedback, patches or open discussions. Bugs should be reported on the project's [[https://todo.sr.ht/~conses/tau][bug-tracker]].